Diving Places

Umm Gamar

Max. depth 55m, 1 hour journey

Island 9km north from the Giftun Islands, located in the south of a long reef. The western part is mainly covered with stony corals and sloping gently down, the eastern side is a drop off with caves and ergs, in the north and the south a plateau.

1. Halk Umm Gamar

On the northern plateau big table corals, frequently strong current, sometimes big fish, at the drop off in the north east Black corals, Table corals, Gorgonias

2. Umm Gamar

At the drop off several ergs with Soft corals and Gorgonias, in 27m a cave, on the plateau Giant morays, Batfishes, Napoleon fishes, sometimes groups of big Tunas and Trevallies.

Gota El Fanadir

Max. depth 10m, 40min journey

Dive site off the north side of El Fanadir, a small reef on shallow sandy bottom. It is worth to dive as well the northern blocks as the Coral garden. Rich of fish and intact corals.

Gota Abu Galawa

Shaab’ha Gota Abu Galawa

Max. 11m, journey 35 min.

Small reef block in the north of Gota, surrounded by several pinacles. Rich of corals and fish

Gota Abu Galawa

Max. 16m, journey 30 min.

Suitable site for drift dives from the north east towards the south. You start between numerous shallow coral banks , ending up in canyons of stony corals. In the south west several nice ergs on sandy bottom

Gota Abu Nugar Nord

Max. depth 14m, 65 min. journey

Small reef north of Shaab Abu Nugar. On its northern side there is a beautiful coral garden with huge Table corals, the slightly sloping reef also rich of fish and corals. Good chances to see Eagle rays, Turtles and Dolphins.


Shaab el Erg Nordwest

Max. depth 17m, 80min. journey

Both, the main reef and the big erg are richly covered with different corals, in the north west of the big erg you find a nice garden with huge Table corals. Towards the west some smaller blocks are situated, also here a big variety of corals and a lot of fish. Good chances to watch Eagle rays, Turtles and often also Dolphins.

Shaab El Erg Nordost

Max. depth 16m, 90 min. journey

The boat is anchoring at the outside in the north, this because this place can be visited only when there is no wind.
2. at the reef big Stony coral formations reaching to the north
3. reef with rich Acropora coverage, sandy bottom with small blocks, in the winter frequently you can find Manta Rays

Shaab El Erg Südost

Max. depth 30m, 85min. journey

Depending on the current you dive starting from the lighthouse towards the south or the north. The reef is dropping to 12m, then up to 20m Stony coral coverage, ending in sandy bottom with Table corals. Around the small blocks there is a lot of fish, frequently you find Turtles.



Shaab Rur Umm Gamar

Max. depth 80m, 60min. journey

The reef is located about 1km south from Umm Gamar. In the north as well as in the south long stretched plateaus, the east side is a drop off. At the south eastern corner you find a small wreck (Police boat). You can watch a lot of Giant morays, sometimes Napoleons and Grey reef sharks





Careless Reef

Max. depth 50m, 60min. journey

About 2km south from Umm Gamar a big plateau is raising out of the deep water up to 12m. On its west side it is sloping down slighty to 22m, on the east side dropping down to 50m. On the plateau there are 2 big ergs, surrounded by several smaller ones. You meet big swarms of fish, Turtles, Barracudas, big Snappers are not rare. Frequently you can watch White-tip reef sharks. Because of its exposed location there are alternating currents to expect.


Giftun Stone Beach (Hamda)

Max. depth 60m, 70min. journey

Dive site at the north-eastern side of Big Giftun. The boat is anchoring in a bay, protected from current. The plateau, which is completely covered with Stone corals, is sloping down and at 26-30m ending in a drop off. Frequently big Mackerels and Tunas as well as Black Snappers, also to find: Bluespotted stingrays, Scorpion fishes, murays



Shaab Sabina

Max. depth 14m, 60min. journey

Shallow place in the channel between the Giftun Islands. Suitable dive site for drift dives. Behind the very nice coral covered reef a big coral garden is stretching to the north. A lot of swarm fishes, Flutemouths, frequently Turtles and Eagle rays to watch.

Shaab Dorfa

Max. depth. 10m, 65min. journey

Dive site at the north west of Small Giftun. Outside the main reef you find several ergs on sandy bottom. They are richly covered with Soft corals and Fan corals, you can find a lot of swarm fish and sometimes Barracudas.


Banana Reef

Max. depth 22m, 65min. journey

Small reef with an average depth of 12-14m, on the north side a nice stone coral garden, The main attraction are the two ergs in the west, which are richly covered with Soft corals, Acropora and Gorgonias. Here you also find rich fish, like Snappers, Mackerels, Groupers and Fusiliers

Erg Somaya

Max. depth 70m, 60min. journey

Dive site at the east side of Small Giftun. Not only suitable for anchoring but also for drift dives. On the ca. 25m wide plateau there are several ergs, all richly covered with Soft corals and Gorgonias, at the drop off Black corals. The reef itself shows a lot of caverns. At this site rich of fish it’s also possible to find Barracudas or White-tip reef sharks.



Giftun Ham Ham

Max. depth 90m, 55min. journey

This demanding site on the east side of Small Giftun is only done as a drift dive. First the drop off is vertical descending and enormous, giant Gorgonias are stretching into the current. After 200m you reach a plateau with Table corals and Fire corals, starting at 25m and ascending towards the reef to 16m. This has to be crossed to reach the boat, which is anchoring at Giftun Soraya. Because of the depth and the current this dive is only suitable for experienced divers.


Giftun Soraya

Max. depth 25m, 55min. journey

The stone coral covered reef shows a lot of wholes and small caverns, which give shelter for Giant murays, Scorpion fishes and Octopus. Frequently you find whole families of Napoleons.

Abu Ramada Plateau

Max. depth 30m, 60min. journey

Dive site at the north western end of the Abu Ramada Island. The boat is ancoring on the plateau, depending on the current you dive towards the west or east (direction Halk). This place is rich of corals and fish (Barracudas, Snappers) and because of the frequently strong currents a good chance to see sharks.

Halk Abu Ramada

Max. depth 80m, 60min. journey

Dive site at the north eastern side of Abu Ramada. The boat is anchoring in a small bay, where you find a narrow, fast descending plateau, ending in a drop off towards the north (direction Plateau). The wall is richly covered with big Gorgonias and Soft corals.

Turtle Bay

Max. depth 14m, 35min. journey

Dive site at the north western end of Big Giftun. You dive through a channel and cross the reef top to come to the outside. After about 30m in direction east, there is an entrance (in 6m depth) to a beautiful coral garden. Frequently to find: Turtles, Morays, Octopus and sometimes also Dolphins.

Gota Abu Ramada

Max. depth 14m, 60min. journey

To enjoy the impressive abundance of fish, the best way is to surround the reef. On the east you find huge Stone coral formations, the west side is covered with mainly Acropora corals and Fire corals. You find big groups of Sweetlips, Bannerfishes and Butterflyfishes as well as frequently Eagle rays.

Abu Ramada South (Carlsons Corner)

Max. depth 30m, 60min journey

Dive site at the south west of Abu Ramada Island. On the west side shallow sandy bottom with lots of small, nice covered coral blocks. You can find an eel garden, and also a lot of morays, Blue-spotted stingrays and frequently Napoleons. In the south direction east the plateau is ending up in a steep slope with a lot of small caverns.

Erg Maksur

Max. depth 14m, 50min. journey

Southern group of blocks of Aruk Giftun, in the middle a big split erg (Erg Maksur). All block are nicely covered with Soft corals, there is a lot of swarm fish and sometimes chance to see a White-tip reef shark. The site is suitable for Navigation dives.


Shaab Pytra

Max. 11m, Fahrz. 50min.

Kleines Riff auf flachem Sandgrund ca. 6 km westlich von Gota Abu Ramada. Man findet in Höhlen und Überhängen grosse Schwärme von Glasbarschen und Beilbauchfischen, an den Riffwänden Großschulmeerbarben und Schnapper. Auf dem Sandgrund Krokodil- und Teufelsfische. Bei Nachttauchgängen viele Rotfeuerfische, Schlangenaale, Federsterne

Aruk Chamsa

Max. depth 11m, 50min. journey

Western group of blocks of Aruk Giftun, several nice covered blocks standing on shallow sandy bottom, remarkably rich of fish.


Abu Ramada Cave

Max. depth 45m, 60min journey

Dive Site at the south east of Abu Ramada. There is a big plateau stretching out of the steep slope. On its northern end you find a remarkably erg, its hollow body is covered from inside with white Soft corals. Sometimes a big Grouper is to find around there. Further on the reef shows Gorgonias and a lot of small holes with morays. If there is current, you have good chances to see Barracudas.




Erg Abu Ramada (Erg Camel)

Max. depth 45m, 60min journey

A few meters away from the south eastern coast of Abu Ramada a few big ergs are raising up near to the surface. Most of the times there are strong currents at this site, but because of this there is an enormous coverage of Soft corals and Stony corals as well as a lot of fish.



Shaab Eshta (Shaab Tiffany)

Max. depth 9m, 50min journey

Small reef on shallow sandy bottom about 6 km west of Gota Abu Ramada. Very rich in fish, Gros school mullet in the channel between the two blocs, soldier fish, Ambassidae, Beilbauchfische and lion fish in caves and overhangs. Due to the small depth for beginners and night dives suitable.



Abu Hashish Nord

Max. depth 15m, 95min journey

Dive site at the north western end of the reef. You find sandy bottom with sea grass meadows, outside from the reef there are several nice ergs. Sometimes you can meet Turtles or Eagle rays.


Abu Hashish

Max. depth 35m, 90min journey

Dive site about 15km south from Hurghada. The blocks southern of the lagoon are nice covered, you find a lot of swarm fish, possible to meet also Turtles or Napoleons. The eastern side of the reef shows a rich coverage of Acropora and Table corals, in the small blocks on the sandy bottom you find Morays and Lionfishes. Suitable site also for drift dives.



El Fanadir

Max. depth 80m, 25 min. journey

ong stretched reef in the north of Hurghada. Here you can find an enormous variety of fish and invertebrates. Different species of Morays, Stone fish, Octopus are not rare, on the sandy bottom Pegasus fishes and Red Sea walkmen.

El Fanadir Nord

The average width of the plateau is 20m, mainly sandy bottom with poor vegetation, but you can find Carpet flatheads, Anglerfishes and Sand eels.

Marsa Abu Galawa

Max. depth 25m, 40min journey

Universal dive site for divers with any experience. In the shallow lagoon there is a huge sea grass meadow with varied marine life, like sea horses and more. At the outside of the reef you find different depths with sandy bottom and a slope with coral garden. Beside an eel garden also it’s possible to meet Feathertail stingrays or big fish.



Shaab Pinky (Stand by dive)

Max. depth 40m, 45min journey

Dive site on the north eastern side of Big Giftun. Usually you dive from south direction NNW. On the steeply descending reef and on the sandy bottom there are lots of huge Gorgonia fan corals and Table corals. You can watch huge groups of Snappers and Barracudas and also find big Rays, Groupers and Turtles. In the shallower area there is a big variety of fish, often in big groups as well. Remarkable: Rare types of Soft corals and friendly Batfishes. The dive is ending in a coral garden, where you often see Eagle rays, sometimes Dolphins.

Fandira (Stand by dive)

Max. depth 60m, 60min journey

Dive site on the north eastern side of Small Giftun. Usually you dive from north direction south with the current. On the reef slope there is a narrow plateau strip with different gradients. Good chance to see diverse big fishes. In the open water often to see: Tunas, Giant trevallies, Barracudas, Turtles



Shaab Sajed (Stand by dive)

Max. depth 18m, 90min journey

Dive site south of Shaab el Erg NW. Quite a number of very nice, intact coral blocks are stretching in direction N <->S, all in sight of each others, they are dived depending on the current. On the bottom you find numerous huge Table corals. A place rich of fish with good chances to see beside Turtles also White-tip reef sharks and Dolphins.



Sachua Abu Galawa

Max. depth 25m, 45min journey

Dive site at the northern side of Shaab Abu Galawa. On the outside of the reef a lot of Gorgonias, sometimes you can find Tunas, Groupers or even Turtles and Dolphins. The shallow lagoon inside is a Kindergarten for some rare species, like Ghost pipefishes. On the sandy bottom you find Table corals and Acropora.

Shaab Alex (Stand by dive)

Max. depth 35m, 60min journey

Dive site at the eastern side of Big Giftun. The slowly descending reef is covered with lots of different Stony and Hard corals. On the sandy bottom you find several nice ergs and Table corals. In an average depth of 20m you often can see Giant trevallies, Tunas, Giant morays and Turtles, sometimes even a Guitar shark.

Maalak Disha

Max. depth 25m, 80min journey

Dive site at the coast north of Ras Disha. The reef is descending to 18m, further north to 13m and is covered with different Hard corals. On the sandy bottom you find a lot of Table corals and nice small blocks. The place is rich of fish and inhabitants of sandy areas, like Carpet flathats and Torpedo rays. Frequently you can watch Turtles.

Shaab’ha Abu Galawa

Max. depth 12m, 50min journey

Small reef north from Abu Galawa, which can be surrounded easily in one dive. In the north a lot of Gorgonias and big swarms of fish. There are several nice, small blocks stretching to the west in the north as well as in the south. On the shallow bottom of the western side you can search for Stone fishes and Red Sea walkmen.


Shaab Abu Nugar

Max. depth 15m, 60min journey

Shallow dive site, on the east side, parallel to the reef a very nice Coral garden with huge Table corals and Fire corals. You can find Morays, big Groupers, Octopus and huge Parrot fishes. Also Dolphins are seen from time to time.


Shaab Iris (Aruk Abu Nugar)

Max. depth 14m, 50min journey

The boat is anchoring at a big reef block, which is surrounded by several small ergs. Frequently big swarms of Fusiliers in the open water, around the blocks Lionfishes, Octopus or Morays. Sometimes you can find a big Napoleon and a small group of Dolphins.

Dorfa El Fanus Ost

Max. depth 25m, 35min journey

On the eastern side of the reef a coral garden, in which three Ergs are located. Often there you find Tunas or Mackerels hunting in swarms of small fish. The northern side of the reef is richly covered, beside Morays, Turtles and Eagle rays you have good chances to see Dolphins.

Dorfa el Fanus West

Max. depth 13m, 35min journey

You cross the shallow lagoon to reach the northern side of the reef and some blocks over there. Beside Morays, Turtles and Eagle rays you have good chances to see Dolphins.

Aruk Gigi

Max. depth 11m, 50min. journey

Northern group of blocks of Aruk Giftun, about 7 ergs standing on shallow sandy bottom in direction west-east. Plenty of small reef fish, small morays, Blue-spotted stingrays and Lionfishes.

Abu Minkar

Flat dive site north of the lighthouse at Abu Minqar. Northwest of the buoy a small wreck, north of the Riffnase sandy bottom with small coral blocks. You can find turtles and stingrays.





El Fanadir

Max. depth 80m, 25 min. journey

long stretched reef in the north of Hurghada. Here you can find an enormous variety of fish and invertebrates. Different species of Morays, Stone fish, Octopus are not rare, on the sandy bottom Pegasus fishes and Red Sea walkmen.

El Fanadir South (Lagune)

The plateau is wider than in the north and covered with several coral blocks which are rich in fish and marine life. At the edge of the drop off frequently you can find big Feathertail stingrays